The Best Answer for the Reason for Job Change in the Interview
The phrase "If you think it's time for a change, you don't think so”. But this does not mean you should make a quick and emotional decision to dismiss. You don't have to change your job right away to change something in your life!
"Working with a huge number of candidates for various vacancies in the company, we face every day the reasons why people are fired," says Kateryna, founder of HR at Uni Skill.
Some people often change jobs and do not stay in teams. Of course, for various reasons. But some name the exact reasons for dismissal from each job - not a very friendly team, inattentive leader, not such a team, monotonous tasks, lousy and stressful atmosphere in the team, and so on.
But we live in a time of incredible opportunities and choices! Never before has so much been available. All we need to do is make a choice. This is 100% our responsibility. And some questions can help us understand which job to choose and what we want to do. Answer them.
- What will I NOT do under any circumstances?
- What do I not want to do?
The answers to such questions allow you to approach the choice of work consciously. Thus, we begin to understand - what we do not want to do. And this will save many hours when considering new vacancies and future interviews.
Five steps to make a decision
So we suggest you take the time and make decisions with simple, clear steps.
Analysis of the last place of work
Analyze in detail the following:
- Me and my role - how I feel in the morning and at work, whether I want to go to work, how I express myself at work, whether I like myself the way I am now.
- The team - who are my colleagues, and my leader, do I like the people around me, do I want to be like my colleagues or leader in the future.
- My development is where I am moving, whether I have prospects or growth in the company, whether I want to develop in this company and grow, and whether my area of responsibility and salary is increasing.
- Self-realization - do I feel that I realize my potential in this position and the current company?
Labor market overview
If you are going to change your job or are thinking about it, take the time to analyze the vacancies that exist in the labor market. Analyze the area of activity (or several areas) that interests you. What skills do you need in the positions you are interested in? What experience and knowledge. Are there open vacancies in the companies you like? What salaries do employers offer?
SWOT analysis
Now use the SWOT analysis marketing tool to broaden your vision. The tool allows you to consider different points of view and assess your risks and opportunities. Each letter is responsible for the lower sector. Carefully describe each sector for yourself and your situation. There are no correct answers here, and there is only your vision and thoughts. After working through each sector in detail, read everything written - the answer will be apparent, or you will have a new vision of the situation.
- S - Strengths - strengths in changing jobs.
- W - Weaknesses - Weaknesses in your decision.
- O - Opportunities - opportunities that open up when you change jobs.
- T - Threats - threats (possible) associated with changing jobs.
Based on previous records, develop your strategic plan depending on the decision.
If you stay in your current job, change something in it. Your actions, focus, thoughts, and approaches - you know very well how you can add something new, engaging, and alive to your daily life. Make a plan and put everything in a calendar or notebook to make it all happen.
If you decide to change jobs, make a detailed plan. What, for what, and when you will do it? Also, put everything in a calendar or notebook and move towards your precise goals. Be prepared to make adjustments and be flexible - deviations from your plan can happen, and this does not mean you need to stop doing something. However, some changes may be needed.
The final decision
Give yourself enough time and make informed decisions. It is better to do it well than start all these actions again in a few months. Your decision is the most important thing - much more than you think depends on your seriousness. Strength of intentions and concrete daily steps is the key to results.
Remember, you can always change something in your life. Sometimes it's easy and fast. Sometimes, it takes time. And you can do it if you want to, and act.
What approaches do HR managers use to check the reasons for leaving? A few types of questions
Companies prefer to leave a seat vacant rather than put the wrong person in it. However, the cost of a mistake in recruiting is too high. To reduce the risk of a wrong decision, HR managers use three types of questions to test the reason for leaving. As you know, questions are the fastest way to comprehend the truth.
Direct questions
Most often, classic direct questions are used. They are expected to receive a short answer. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions. You may have already encountered them when you were fired or hired:
- Why did you decide to leave?
- Where did you get a better salary?
- What are the conditions for that company?
- And why were you lured there, and did you agree?
- Don't you regret leaving?
- And what did your friends say?
This is a kind of provocation, and they need to answer competently. Here are some answers:
- I want to develop, but this job has no such opportunity.
- I need a change of scenery and to try something new.
- I am interested in tasks and working conditions in another company.
- I decided for myself that I would be better there.
- This is my choice, and my family agrees with me.
Further provocations may continue. But it is worth crucifying and starting to make excuses. The main thing is to keep it short and precise.
A series of indirect questions
This series of questions is based on a logical structure with a specific sequence, after which it is possible to understand whether the candidate's statements are consistent with his actions. If not, how can he comment on this contradiction? The candidate's task is to stick to one line of conduct, preparing answers in such a way that they confirm previous answers.
Examples of such questions:
- What do you think is more important, material or non-material stimulation? Why do you think some employees stop doing their job well? What is the main reason that pushes you to change?
- Describe the most embarrassing aspect of your previous job. What prevented you from doing your job? What would you change about the company if you could?
The wording may vary. Some questions are often veiled and can be tricky for you. It can be challenging to answer them, especially for those worried about layoffs. But let's repeat it. You don't need to worry. This is an everyday practice when a person strives for the better and wants to change his place of work. The reasons may be different. But in advance, you need to think over the reason that will be relevant and adequate and will not offend your interlocutor. Even if you have worked for the company for several years, this is not a reason to refuse further prospects, a better life, and new opportunities.
Stress issues
The stressful question at the beginning of the interview creates a negative background and forces the candidate to a response that can determine whether he is telling the truth. To such questions, interviewers typically add evaluative subjective statements or statements that refute or cast doubt on the candidate's answers.
Example of stress questions:
- You have such a good experience, and the achievements in your resume are amazing. Why did the company let you go so quickly if you're such a productive employee?
- Have you been unemployed for two months? If you are such an experienced professional in your field, why has no one offered you a job yet? Why can't you find a job?
- Good employees are not fired. How did the company try to keep you? Why didn't you get a raise? Were other offers made to you?
- What was so bad about your manager that you left the company? What would he say about you if I called your former manager right now?
- Why didn't you want to continue working for the company? Why weren't you asked to stay if you have achieved such results? Why weren't you offered to head another department?
- Have you been left without a job? And now, it is complicated to find a leadership position. I don't understand why you didn't find a job at first but immediately quit. It's not logical. Am I assuming you were forced to quit?
Such questions can be repulsive. But the practice of their use is present. Do not answer them with rudeness or with laughter. It is better to try to elude the answer. But if it doesn’t work, then go to a frank conversation. The interlocutor can ask why the emu needs this information and how it will help you define your skills. In any case, it will be possible to find an answer even to the most challenging question in advance. For this, there is preparation for interviews and even for talking about dismissal.
"All is decided. I'm leaving!" - how to tell the boss
I'm quitting." It seems, well, what could be simpler than this phrase. But sometimes it's not easy to tell the leader about your decision. So Work.ua tells how best to present the news to the authorities.
When changing jobs, one of the most challenging and stressful moments is informing the current manager about your decision. So it would seem: that the intention is firm. They are waiting in a new place. All that was left was to tell the boss, write a letter of resignation, get paid - and hello, new life. But your feet stubbornly pass by the manager's office, you put off an unpleasant conversation in every possible way, and you feel awkward in front of your colleagues.
Leader's priority
He should be the first to know about the decision to leave. And not by hearsay, but from you personally. Otherwise, the boss can become a severe obstacle to a painless exit. It`s the first.
And secondly, if the confidence in the dismissal is not one hundred percent, and the boss takes it and offers better conditions or a salary increase, that cannot be refused. With a guilty head and a strained s, you will have to smile you have changed your mind about leaving your favorite company.
Specificity and diplomacy
Speak to the point, be calm, do not get carried away by emotions, and behave like a natural diplomat. If the manager insists, tell us about the reasons for the dismissal. Explain that you received an exciting offer - a more severe position and a higher salary. Or, perhaps, tired of traveling to the office on the other side of the city. Or maybe you are tired of overwork and feel professional burnout.
Be honest but delicate. Remember that being too frank can only add to the tension in an already difficult conversation for both parties.
I appreciate your cooperation
After the phrase "I'm quitting!" and all the reasons for leaving are voiced, it is worth thanking the manager and expressing your positive opinion about the company and the friendly team.
Try to highlight the good qualities of both the company and its employees. But if you're not thrilled with your old job, limit yourself to gratitude for your cooperation.
Specify the details
Remember that the job doesn't end when you tell your boss you're leaving. Discuss with the manager the date of dismissal, the need for a two-week working off, or dismissal by agreement of the parties. Promise to fulfill your duties until the last working day fully. Keep your promise. That's what the professionals do.
Then say goodbye to your colleagues and remember that change is essential to every career. Even if you are happy and relieved to leave your current employer, don't report it. It remains to see if your career paths may cross again.