Tricky Interview Questions and the Best Answers
Sometimes, the job interview may turn out to be very tough and tricky. Experienced hiring managers know exactly what questions they should ask you to challenge you and obtain the maximum of information from you. They also know when the interviewee is prepared for the meeting, and when not. Therefore, to outsmart an interviewer, try to think what questions might trick you up during the interview and prepare some answers you consider to be the best fit. Today, no one asks the traditional questions, so be ready for the trickier ones that show how you will perform if you get the job. Here are some of them:
Do you usually check emails during your vacation?
Despite being so simple, this question is a tricky one. It is good if you answer that you do check emails because you are dedicated to your work, but employers also know that your health and wellness are important for your performance and continuous success at work. Therefore, build your answer by including both of these factors.
What Are Your Weaknesses?
No one likes to talk about things they do not know how to do. Asking you about weaknesses requires you to think about skills that you are not good at. At the same time, this question provides room for improvement. Be modest, but do not go too far in counting your drawbacks. You must show that you are aware of your weaknesses and have a defined strategy of changes for improvement.
If You Were to Choose The Company to Work For, Where Would You Work?
It is sometimes offensive for hiring managers or employers to hear that you have not been dreaming of working in their company all your life. Even mentioning big-name firms will do no good. While answering, make sure that your interviewer receives the message that their company is your top priority. Emphasize that you spent a lot of time on job search researching and choosing them because you share their values, principles, and objectives.
What Do You Expect From Working Here?
This question allows interviewers to understand whether you did your research about the company and why you chose this place over many others. Do not mention that you expect to receive social benefits from working there. Instead, focus on providing a real meaning to your answer. Sound enthusiastic while specifying what a contribution it will be to your professional development and self-advancement. Be creative in finding what things made you think of this work more than any other.
Tell Me About Your Dream Job
When asking this question, interviewers do not want to hear that you, actually, do not want to work at all or you will be happy with any job that brings money. They want to see your passion and enthusiasm in doing new things and advancing your mastery in others. When answering this question, try to sound interested and excited, even if you dreamt of another position. Make your interviewer believe that you are the right fit for this job offer.
Be reasonable and prepare for every interview you are going to. It is not so difficult to spare one hour of your time to learn how you can be in control of the interview process. Think of other questions that can be job-specific and tricky and decide how to lead the conversation rather than stay embarrassed. Your interview is a challenge. Pay attention to your answers and try to guess the opposite side of each question asked.
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