7 ways to Increase Stress Resistance
Pandemic, quarantine, and the global economic crisis have put many people in a state of stress that has affected their quality of work, creativity, and critical thinking. Employees lost important soft skills and became less productive.
So, it is clear why employers in a crisis want to see in their team truly stress-resistant employees who are surprised by the results of work, despite any external circumstances. We learned how to deal with stress in the current environment and strengthen our resilience to it.
Balanced schedule
Working without days off and breaks is a direct path to burnout, which means increasing irritability and reducing resistance to stress. You will be an effective employee only on vacation. In any case, do not neglect weekends and holidays, take breaks during the day, and do not work around the clock. It is difficult but especially important to adhere to the work schedule in the conditions of remote work.
Stress often casts doubt on one's own professionalism. Therefore, under its influence, you are able to abandon promising projects or make a mistake at a crucial moment. In order to remain calm under any circumstances, you need to be confident in your own abilities.
Psychologists advise having with you at a crucial moment what gives you confidence: an amulet, a brooch, a happy shirt, shoes, anything. When you look in the mirror and feel confident the excitement will not be able to destroy it. However, in order to maintain self-confidence, in the long run, you need to write down your successes, remember your strengths, and constantly improve.
To strengthen stress resistance, it is important to have a favorite pastime outside of work, which distracts from negative thoughts and brings you joy. Psychologists believe that those who devote at least a few hours a week to hobbies are less prone to depression. Doing a favorite thing gives a person a sense of self-sufficiency and satisfaction. If you do not have a hobby yet, you can be inspired by the example of famous and successful people. Maybe someone's sample will help you find the vent that will cover any stress.
Meditation is a great help in overcoming the effects of stress. A few minutes of inner silence provide an opportunity to find a solution to a seemingly global problem or help to distract from the hectic world.
Proponents of the technique claim that meditation gives inner peace and confidence in the future, even in the most confusing times. It also increases productivity, and learning ability and reduces distraction. Apple and Google even hire meditation teachers to make their employees work better.
Healthy sleep
Stress often prevents you from falling asleep and causes disturbed sleep. However, rest at night is important for rethinking, having a different view of the stressor, and restoring energy. So, try not to neglect sleep because of an unfinished project or important event.
The right evening rituals will help you to adjust: dimmed lights, rejection of gadgets, a warm bath, and setting the right parameters of the air in the bedroom.
Concentrate on the positive
Positive moments will help to recharge and find a "vaccine" to overcome stress. These can be like memories of past victories that increase self-confidence. And the positive moments of the current situation are imperceptible at once.
The ability to notice not only black stripes in your life helps you to better survive the fall and not lose faith in the better.
Everything will pass
If a negative event catches you by surprise and you can't handle it, it's important to realize that nothing lasts forever. Any crisis, problem, or pandemic ends sooner or later. People adapt to life in new realities and find new jobs. Maintaining resilience under stress is much easier if you treat problems as temporary phenomena.
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