How to reject an accepted job offer?
You searched for a job for a long time, talked to recruiters and went to interviews, and finally got the dream job offer. It was supposed to be the happiest moment of the employment process, but something went wrong. You could get a better offer, or realize that what is offered is not exactly what you expect. The question arises about the rejection of the job offer after acceptance. If you refuse to do the right thing, you will not be able to spoil your impression of yourself and remain in convenient relations with the employer.
Letter or call?
Of course, you can refuse by email to your employer, and it may be easier for you. However, it is better to prefer a phone call. If you can't reach the recruiter, send a letter marked "I wanted to report my decision over the phone, but couldn't get in touch and didn't want to delay the process." It is worth noting that during the oral announcement of your decision, you may hear additional questions from the recruiter about the reasons for the change in your opinion or a request to change your mind, while the written format generally excludes them.
Do not pull
If you realize that the offered conditions do not suit you or you have received the best offer from another company, you should immediately inform about your decision. Delays in response can lead to inconvenience to the employer and, as a result, damage your reputation in the job market. So, if a job offer doesn't suit you, drop it as soon as possible to give way to candidates who are more looking forward to it.
Explain the reasons
Yes, recruiters often make the mistake of sending a standard letter like "we will contact you in case of a suitable position" or even not communicating the results of the interview to unsuccessful candidates. But you cannot do so in any case. If you decide to reject a job offer, you can't do without explanations. You do not need to talk in detail about the course of your thoughts and a well-considered decision. It is better to explain in general that you have been thinking for a long time but decided to give preference to another proposal that is more suitable for your professional ambitions or experience.
If at the interview you realized that at work you are waiting for some revisions that you are not ready for, or you did not like the boss, it is better to embellish the real reason. You may be told that some aspects you learned in the interview did not suit you, or you carefully assessed the situation and realized that you could not spend an hour a day on the way to work, and so on. It will sound better than: "I don't want to work from morning till night for pennies and even with such a strict boss."
Thank you
When refusing an employer, do not forget to thank for the offer, and express hope for mutual understanding and possible future cooperation. For example, “Thank you for the offer. I really appreciate the time and effort you spent searching for the perfect candidate. I hope that in the future our paths will cross and interests will coincide."
Think of yourself
It is often difficult for applicants to turn down a job offer for fear of inevitable conversation or frustration with the employer. But first, you need to think about yourself and your career success. If the offered work will not bring you any satisfaction or the desired financial reward, it is better to refuse it at the beginning. In addition, it is possible that when you voice your reasons for refusing the employer, the job offer can be reviewed and you get the conditions you need.