Four Crazy Thoughts That Provoke a New Job
Kris GT
Certified Professional Resume Writer
March 18, 2022, 8:39 am

Four Crazy Thoughts That Provoke a New Job

These thoughts are familiar to almost everyone. It appears out of nowhere, in a seemingly confident mind, and gradually makes us wild. We get angry at ourselves, laugh unnaturally with new colleagues, and secretly reproduce our facial expressions in front of the mirror. What are these thoughts and how to deal with them?


All my things are awful!

In the morning, you tried on several outfits, none of which are suitable to make exactly the impression you would like. There is no way to find the stylish and professional image you need. What will colleagues think?

There is nothing more reminiscent of the first day in high school than the first day at a new job. However, it is time to remember that you are not in school, and colleagues are interested primarily in your professional qualities, and secondly — in charisma and communication skills. Likely, the new team will not care about your appearance, provided that it corresponds to the dress code, if any, or just common sense and occasion.

Remember, the clothes should be neat, not provocative, and businesslike, that's enough. To feel calmer, you can see in advance how it is customary to dress for work and take a look at something beforehand while shopping.


I was hired by accident

You may also have impostor syndrome. It is a state when it seems to you that in your professional sphere, you are an amateur, a layman, a scoundrel who pretends to be a specialist, and you are about to be exposed. And this is despite all your achievements and successes in work.

It seems to you that suddenly you have outwitted naive HR, pretending to be someone you are not. You do not understand at all why you were chosen. This feeling is exacerbated by the fact that for the first time in a new job, you need to absorb a lot of new information and learn from different people.

Note the following: your employer did not hire you randomly. There was a long selection process among many candidates, which cost money and time. Your boss is unlikely to just bet with a colleague that you will not last a week. If you took this place today - then you are the best offer on the market. You and your career achievements have not in vain conquered the HR manager and the head. So, when in doubt, think about it.


I missed my previous job

Everything was clear there: which tasks are obligatory and which are secondary. With whom in the office, you can talk openly, and from whom it is better to stay away. When can you be late, can you work from home on Friday, and so on?

Yes, you really miss the old job you've been planning to escape from for so long. You even miss a meticulous colleague who has always cared that you are late. Arguments "against" seem to dissolve in the air, and you feel like a loser. Why did you leave?


You will feel this way for a while because the team is unfamiliar, and you are unlikely to become as close as your previous colleagues. However, in reality, you do not miss your past work — you lack a sense of belonging to something.

Instead of immersing yourself more and more in these sad, burdensome anxious feelings, actively interact with the new team. Ask questions, call for coffee, and initiate friendly dialogues. It is not superfluous to decorate the desktop with everyday items to feel more comfortable.


I made a mistake

You made a mistake that in your eyes simply cancels all the qualifications, that loudly declares to everyone about your incompetence, from which your new company will go bankrupt! What did you do?

Yes - you are slightly exaggerating. Everyone, without exception, makes certain mistakes in the first week of work, this is normal. You are in a new environment, with new responsibilities and corporate rules, and you are just getting used to working here. Your manager understands this, and therefore will not leave you alone with tasks that are critical to the company's work. So, in moments of panic, remember that you have every right to make a few mistakes.

For a month or two, we tend to get used to the new position, and these obsessions disappear as if they never existed. However, it is important to remember that they visit almost every employee, and this is normal. Meet them calmly, because now you know how to overcome them!


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