How to Make Returning to the Office Comfortable?
Authorities are gradually implementing quarantine-easing steps, and employers are returning their employees to office jobs. If you have just got used to remote work, you will have to be upset. It will now also be difficult to adapt to the office rhythm of life. However, we have gathered the most effective tips that can make your return painless and even joyful.
Start preparing in advance
In a few days, and preferably a week, before leaving the office, bring back to your life an early rise, work schedule, and the usual rituals. Let the body adapt again to waking up at 06:00 in the morning. But start work no earlier than usual and finish on schedule to avoid overwork and get rid of the habit of working 24/7. Let us remind you once again of the importance of changing pajamas for business attire and scheduled lunches.
Come back gradually
It is the gradualness that gives your body the opportunity to get used to a new, albeit such a familiar, life. If you have the opportunity, arrange with your employer for a gradual return to office life. First, you can alternate between remote and office work or work on a flexible schedule. If it is not possible to gradually return to the work rhythm - listen to your emotional state, do not overload yourself with painstaking tasks, and rest after work.
Plan your return
While public transport, services, or non-food stores are operating in a limited mode, it is important to plan your return. To determine how you will get to the office, how much, given the congestion or lack of public transport, you will have to spend time on the road. If you are used to dining in a cozy restaurant near the business center, find out if they work "takeaway" or open a summer terrace - otherwise, you can take lunch from home or order it elsewhere.
Follow security measures in the office
After returning to the office, it is a mistake to assume that the danger has passed. You need to follow the rules of personal hygiene even more carefully: constantly disinfect or wash your hands, wipe your computer and phone, and do not forget to clean the desktop. Do not rush to hug colleagues who have been missed for two months, give up handshakes, and do not gather in large companies in unventilated rooms. Easing quarantine is not a victory over a pandemic, so ignoring the mask mode or keeping a distance is quite reckless.
Arrange an information hunger strike
In the first days after returning to office life, it is important to rest properly. Therefore, during this period it is better not to oversaturate yourself with information: spend less time on social networks, refrain from watching the news, and do not collect dubious gossip. Information starvation and rest will best help your body adapt to the new realities of office activities.
Look for pros
If you belong to those who liked remote work and do not want to return to the office - think about the benefits of such work. First, your physical activity will increase, which means that you will be enthusiastic about work and active leisure. Secondly, your circle of communication will finally expand, and communication in the team will become simpler and clearer. Third, it will be easier for you to discipline, you will not look endlessly into the refrigerator, and the house will become a recreation area again.
Plan B
Is returning to the office a global tragedy for you, and the fear of crowded public transport makes you crawl under the covers? There is a way out. Probably, only thanks to quarantine did you manage to understand that you get real pleasure from working from home. It is never too late to retrain as a freelancer. On robota.ua you can view vacancies for remote work and choose offers for your specialization or change the profession to the one you have been dreaming of for a long time.