5 Ideas on How to Find your Dream Job
The word dream job at times gives Goosebumps, isn’t it? Sitting in an office and looking outside the window with having a cup of coffee is something that adds beauty to the dream job. People have that feeling of Nirvana, once they are satiated with their job or dreams. You must have felt the same way, dreaming about the job of your own choice and the one that perfectly fits your criteria for work. Most graduates determine their dream job prior to the completion of their degree but is it really easy to get your dream job? We hope not and that is why one has to be precise in order to achieve it. Here are some tips to get your dream job:
Childhood Memories are the best memories
Let us start with some general thoughts in the context of suggesting how to find your dream job and childhood is the best place of your life to search for it. When you were a child, what was the best activity/fun at play you used to enjoy? Did you construct homes with your brother or launched some shuttle into space? Was it a sick doll of the girl living next door whose successful treatment was done by you? At that time, there is the key to unlocking the job of your dreams. In fact, your childhood was the period when your consciousness was your own; your parents, teachers, or any other family person had not begun advising you on what you are supposed to do or what you are best at. Thus, find some landmark time in your childhood phase and try to remember what you loved to do because there exists your dream job—obviously, don’t be literal in assuming that you wanted to be a prince with the girl next door as your princess! Not every idea is worthy of thought but still, real-world jobs were assumed at that time so, focus on that only.
Begin your own Talent Hunt
The modern world is under the influence of a talent hunt. How does it take place? Hunting for talent is mostly an external exercise in which, other people try to suggest what the best thing you can do is and they organize events or auditions where people are openly invited. However, in this talent hunt, you become your own talent hunter. Be precise in thinking collectively about what were the things and activities so far in which, you did your best. For example, you could be a great painter or dancer—apart from your regular career—but you had to continue with your current profession due to some obligations. It is NOT implied here that you are supposed to leave everything behind and follow your passion. Take this decision only if you are 100% sure about it. In any other case, think of the situations where you were at your best, the situations when people were forced to say that this person has displayed exceptional leadership skills or this person did well as a manager of the project, etc. The finding of effectiveness within you is the talent hunt you need to do.
Self-assessment: Key to Success
Finding the dream job needs self-assessment because you would prefer the unexpected not to happen at your workplace. The process requires you to think of your strengths and weaknesses both. Your strengths are your career block builders; you need to focus on them primarily because you can highlight and present them in the best manner possible—and when the time comes, you can justify them as well. In various surveys, it has been studied (monster.com) how people tend to work on the benefits of their strengths. They do not appear in one way or one day; your strengths are an inherent part of your professionalism. The survey results were obvious; people accepted that they could spend time recognizing their hard and soft skills at first. Then, they moved to understand the best thing they could do with these strengths/skills.
You have to think in the same way; work on realizing how your strengths can be developed positively in your favor. At the same time, you also need to foresee the impacts of your weaknesses; they play a crucial role in sustaining your dream job because even if you get it, you need to sustain it. Weaknesses are often overlooked, once a dream job is taken. This must be avoided because, in a period of time, weaknesses become conflicting with your professional behavior. So, be focused on your weaknesses as well. You need to pay attention closely to the gaps in your performance so far so that you can understand the areas of improvement.
Fix your Priority
The only thing left to do is get a job when you are completely certain of your ideal career. It is vital to specify search parameters in order to prevent corporate policies or the culture of the team from stifling your romanticism. Choose the career path you want to take. Do you want to work in an office setting or remotely and pursue a career? What do you want to be paid? It's also vital to learn about the little details that have an impact on your job, such as the type of staff you'll encounter when you arrive, the firm's insurance policies, and whether or not the organization pays for vacations, medical expenses, dinners, or corporate activities. Start your wish list with the top priorities because you might not be able to find a business that satisfies all the requirements. Thus, your priorities about finding the job should be clear and they must be aligned with the kind of search you make. Your precision here is the key to getting the dream job you want.
Search is Crucial: be precise
Your work is so excellent that I doubt anyone will ever find you. So prepare a strong CV and start a thorough job search. Incorporate HR professionals into the cover letter, and be well-prepared for the interview. Use a federal resume writing service that is accredited if you struggle to write cover letters. Do not be scared to express to your employer your confidence and enthusiasm for the job because you already know what you want and how to get it. After all, it's fascinating and admirable to see people who truly burn their work.
How long did it take you to find your job?
It depends from person to person; normally it takes a month or even a little more to get your dream job.
How to find your dream job when you don’t know your dream?
First, work on understanding what you like doing, and then, focus on the kind of work that gives you satisfaction. Gradually, you will get your focus on your dream job.