Generation Z: What to Expect from Graduates at Work?
People born between 1996 and 2000 who grew up with a gadget in their hands begin to dictate their demands everywhere. Generation Z and the labor market, which they are reformatting themselves, have not been overlooked.
We have gathered traits that differentiate the next generation of employees from others and learn what we can expect from them in the future.
Every job should be rewarded
Generation Z, more than others, seeks to earn a decent reward. They are not ready to work for the sake of experience or an idea. The main thing for them is the salary.
Recent studies have shown that university graduates seek to earn up to a couple of thousand dollars. Equally important to Generation Z is the social package. So, they are looking for great companies with a good reputation that can offer them everything at once.
The best schedule is no schedule
Jobs from 9 to 18 are no longer attractive to young people. Generation Z seeks to live in harmony with themselves and maintain a work-life balance. Therefore, it is crucial for them not to be in the office all the time.
For Generation Z, the priority is a flexible schedule and a lack of total control from management, which will allow them to do the task when they want.
Comfortable conditions
Generation Z needs comfort in everything. They want to work in a spacious office. The road to work should not take long for them, and staying in an office should not cause depression. In addition to external comfort, internal comfort is essential for them.
They need psychological comfort where colleagues are friends, and the manager is like an older brother. They are not detained in a company where the boss creates an unhealthy atmosphere in the team and where employees are fired at once. It all breaks their comfort zone and they do not intend to endure it.
Development is foremost
Development is essential enough for the new generation. Work should not only bring good money but also help personalities become better. They seek to be hired without experience and entrusted with pressing tasks that will help them prove themselves from a new perspective. Professional development is equally important to Generation Z. Therefore, they will not be retained in a non-career post.
Who owns the future?
In addition to the requirements for working conditions, Generation Z, which does not know technology-free living, has criteria for areas of activity. Thus, according to surveys, university graduates and students most want to work in IT, because they believe that eventually the need for employees will disappear and everything will be automated.
Young people also prefer audit and consulting companies, but they must be large, and even better, international. They are the least willing to work in the banking sector and believe that computer operations will be much better in the future.
Generation Z is not afraid to quit if they don't like something and look for a new job. Besides, they will try to create their dream job and not seek out ordinary jobs. Therefore, the labor market with the mass arrival of Generation Z is waiting for new trends, which will have to be adjusted for all.
Employers will need to create the right conditions to get motivated young people involved, and previous generations will need to try to exceed Generation Z so as not to lose what has been gained over the years.
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