Specifics of a Successful Executive Resume
Kris GT
Certified Professional Resume Writer
July 25, 2022, 1:55 pm

Specifics of a Successful Executive Resume

There is plenty of books written to train people to write excellent executive resumes, but it is still not easy to do. Professional resume writers confirm that people still leave too many details behind while flooding their resumes with empty words that add no value. Many people ask how it is even possible to convey decades of their experience on one page. In fact, this is a kind of art to be able to provide your executive resume with scale, scope, and alignment while reaching two pages maximum. U.S. best resume writers agree that executive resumes are the hardest to write. It is sometimes very difficult to select the accomplishments that would grant their clients a job interview, taking into account that they could have several pages of these professional achievements at each job. Thus, we have collected several most important specifics of executive resumes that would assist you in your resume writing.

Assess Your Current Resume Critically

You can definitely craft a perfect resume on the basis of your current one. You need to print it together with the targeted job description and find the parts that are similar. These parts will contain the keywords and the ideas you should cover in your resume. Also, you can submit your current resume to a free and quick review that is offered by the majority of resume writing companies. They provide a very basic evaluation, but at least you will know which parts you need to focus on.

Use ATS-friendly Templates and Formatting

Strangely, people still do not pay attention to how their executive resumes appeal to the reader. Moreover, recruitment technologies have moved forward and now recruiters do not have to process all resumes they receive. They only read dozens that are on the top of their selection lists. ATS and its algorithms made it easier for them to work but more difficult for you to reach a human recruiter. All you need to do is to focus on your formatting and simplify the symbols and constructions you use so that it can pass the scanning system.

Build Your Brand

Your professional or career goals summary is the first thing recruiters are going to see in your resume. You should turn it into a personal story rather than a simple list of facts about you. Treat it as a storytelling assignment where you are supposed to tell about a person with your level of experience and whom you would definitely hire should you be an HR. Cut several sentences short and your career narrative is ready.

Tell More About Your Professional Training

Your professional training is your valuable asset if it is relevant to your targeted position. Do not flood your resume with classes and certifications that have no relation to your current occupation. If you passed first aid certification 15 years ago and currently work as a CEO of a manufacturing company, such information will not bring you closer to the desired job interview. Instead, if you offer several leadership and management courses, this professional training will add up to your overall image.

Consider Different Resume Formats

We all are used to chronological resumes which place every position one after another. This is the easiest and the most popular format. However, very often executive resumes are perfect for combination or functional formats. If you feel you need to focus on your areas of competence rather than on your dates and progression, you are welcome to present your information in a functional format and tell about your accomplishments in each of your competencies.

Add a LinkedIn Profile

Many people were skeptical about this professional network and still are hesitant about having a profile. However, the network is growing mostly thanks to U.S. and Canadian users. Do not duplicate your resume information into your LinkedIn profile. Create a new story since the LinkedIn format allows you to be less formal and more narrative. Although, it is important to use industry-specific language for your profile to be traceable by keywords. Many recruiters ask for your LinkedIn profile as a perfect means of follow-up communication. Thus, be prepared.

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