What Resume Format Looks Better in 2024?
Kris GT
Certified Professional Resume Writer
July 28, 2022, 2:34 pm

What Resume Format Looks Better in 2024?

In the competitive landscape of today's job market, a well-crafted resume can be your ticket to opening doors and landing your dream job. One of the crucial aspects of creating a compelling resume is choosing the right format. A resume format is more than just a template – it's a strategic tool that communicates your qualifications, experiences, and skills in a clear and organized manner. In this article, we'll delve into what a resume format is, why choosing the right one is important, and explore some popular formats to help you present your best self to potential employers.

Understanding Resume Format

A resume format refers to the structure and arrangement of your resume's content. It dictates how your information is presented, helping employers quickly assess your suitability for a position. Think of it as the blueprint for your resume – it guides readers through your professional journey while highlighting your strengths.

Importance of Choosing the Right Format

Selecting the best resume format is more than just a stylistic choice. It's about tailoring your presentation to match the nature of the job and industry you're applying for. Here's why it's crucial:

  • First Impressions Count: Recruiters often have limited time to review each resume. Professional resume formats make it easier for them to grasp your qualifications quickly, increasing the likelihood of your resume standing out.
  • Highlighting Relevance: Different job positions require different skill sets. The right format allows you to emphasize the skills and experiences that directly align with the job you're applying for. This tailored approach can make your application more compelling.
  • Managing Gaps: If you have employment gaps or unconventional career transitions, the right format can help you de-emphasize these aspects while highlighting your skills and achievements.
  • Showcasing Career Progression: The chronological format, for instance, lets you display your career growth over time. This can be particularly advantageous when you want to demonstrate your consistent upward trajectory in a specific industry.
  • Navigating Automated Systems: Many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to filter through resumes before human eyes see them. Choosing the right format ensures that your resume is ATS-friendly, increasing the chances of it making it through this initial screening.
  • Industry Norms: Different industries have varying expectations for resumes. Certain fields might prefer a standard resume format, while others might appreciate a creative layout. Aligning with industry norms can make your resume more appealing to potential employers.

Main Resume Formats

A professional resume format is essential to stand out in a competitive job market. One crucial aspect of resume creation is selecting the right format. Different formats cater to various career situations and skill sets. This guide delves into the three main work resume format - chronological, functional, and combined - along with alternative formats like targeted, infographic, and video resumes.

1. Chronological Format of the Resume

The chronological resume format is the most traditional and widely used. It lists your work experiences chronologically, showcasing your most recent job first and moving backward in time.

Advantages of Using a Chronological Resume Format:

  • Clear Career Progression: This format effectively displays your career trajectory, making it easy for employers to see your growth and progression over the years.
  • Easy to Read: Hiring managers can quickly scan your work history; the format is familiar and straightforward.
  • Highlighting Stability: If you've had consistent employment with minimal gaps, a chronological format can highlight your stability and dedication.

Disadvantages of Using a Chronological Resume Format:

  • Emphasizes Gaps: Any employment gaps or career changes might become more evident, which could raise questions.
  • Less Flexible for Career Shifts: It can be challenging to hide a lack of experience in a specific field if you attempt to switch careers.
  • Tips and Tricks for Creating an Effective Chronological Resume: Tailor Content: Highlight relevant skills and achievements for the job you're applying for.
  • Use Action Verbs: Begin bullet points with strong action verbs to describe your accomplishments.

Chronological Resume Example

2. Functional Resume Format

The functional resume format shifts the focus from your work history to your skills and qualifications. It's an excellent choice if you have gaps in your employment or if your work experience isn't directly related to the job you're seeking.

Advantages of Using a Functional Resume Format:

  • Showcasing Skills: Emphasizes your relevant skills and strengths, regardless of your job history.
  • Covering Employment Gaps: This allows you to downplay any gaps in your work history.
  • Career Transitions: Useful for changing careers when your previous roles aren't directly applicable to the new field.

Disadvantages of Using a Functional Resume Format:

  • Lack of Specifics: This format might not provide a clear timeline of your work history, which could raise questions.
  • Raising Suspicions: Some employers might view functional resumes as an attempt to hide something, such as gaps or lack of experience.
  • Tips and Tricks for Creating an Effective Functional Resume: Create Skill Categories: Organize your skills into sections related to the job requirements.
  • Provide Context: Include a summary of your work history at the end of the resume, even if it's not the main focus.
  • Customize for Each Job: Tailor your functional resume to match the job you're applying for.

Functional Resume Example

3. Combined Resume Format

The combined resume format, hybrid or combination resume, merges the best elements of chronological and functional formats. It presents your skills and qualifications while also providing a clear employment history.

Advantages of Using a Combined Resume Format:

  • Showcasing Skills and Experience: You can highlight your skills and relevant work history.
  • Addressing Gaps: You can downplay employment gaps while still showcasing your accomplishments.
  • Versatility: Suitable for various career situations, including career changes and stable employment histories.

Disadvantages of Using a Combined Resume Format:

  • Potential Length: The combined format can lead to longer resumes, which might not be ideal for every situation.
  • Balancing Act: Striking the right balance between skills and work history requires careful consideration.
  • Tips for Creating an Effective Combined Resume: Prioritize Relevance: Place the most relevant information (skills or experience) at the top based on the job requirements.
  • Use a Professional Summary: Include a concise, professional summary that ties together your skills and experience.
  • Tailor Content: Customize your resume for each application, ensuring the most pertinent information stands out.

Combined Resume Example

Other Formats to Consider

Targeted Resumes

A targeted resume is designed to align closely with the specific job you're applying for. It involves tailoring your qualifications, experiences, and skills to match the requirements of a particular position.


  • Relevance: By customizing your resume, you demonstrate a deep understanding of the job and how your background fits.
  • Higher Impact: Highlighting what the employer seeks can grab their attention and show you as a perfect fit.
  • Showcasing Key Skills: This format lets you emphasize the most important skills needed for the job.


  • Time-Consuming: Crafting a targeted resume for each application can be time-intensive.
  • Limited Applicability: Targeted resumes might not be as effective when applying to roles that have diverse skill requirements.

Example: Imagine you're applying for a social media manager position. In your targeted resume, you'd emphasize your experience in creating engaging content, managing campaigns, and analyzing metrics to showcase your alignment with the role's responsibilities.

Infographic Resumes

Infographic resumes use visuals, graphics, and design elements to convey information in a visually engaging way. They are perfect for creative industries where showcasing design skills is essential.


  • Visual Impact: Infographics can capture attention quickly, making your resume stand out.
  • Showcasing Creativity: This format lets you highlight your design and presentation skills.
  • Memorable: A well-designed infographic resume is more likely to be remembered by employers.


  • Compatibility: Some Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) struggle to read and parse infographics, leading to potential compatibility issues.
  • Content Limitation: Balancing visuals and content can sometimes limit the information you can include.

Example: If you're a graphic designer, your infographic resume could present your skills through color-coded proficiency levels, showcasing your abilities in various design software, illustration techniques, and typography.

Video Resumes

Creating a short video to introduce yourself, explain your qualifications, and highlight your enthusiasm for the job. It's particularly effective for jobs that require strong communication skills.


  • Personality: Video resumes allow employers to see your personality and communication skills firsthand.
  • Showcasing Soft Skills: You can demonstrate public speaking, confidence, and interpersonal abilities.
  • Differentiation: Video resumes are still relatively uncommon, which can make you stand out in a sea of traditional applications.


  • Screening Challenges: Employers might not have the time to watch video resumes for every applicant, potentially resulting in selection bias.
  • Technical Issues: Technical glitches in video submissions can detract from the professionalism of your application.

Example: Suppose you are applying for a sales role. In your video resume, you could introduce yourself enthusiastically, give a brief overview of your sales achievements, and showcase your persuasion skills through a concise pitch.

While a good resume format serves its purpose, these alternative formats offer unique ways to grab employers' attention. When choosing which format to use, the key is to consider the industry, job role, and company culture. Remember that no matter the format, clear communication of your skills, experience, and enthusiasm remains paramount. Let your authenticity and passion shine through whichever path you choose – that makes you stand out in today's competitive job market.

Choosing the Right Resume Format

Selecting the right 2024 resume format requires a thorough understanding of your career journey, the job you're applying for, and the expectations of your industry. Consider the following steps to make an informed decision:

1. Assess Your Story
Take a comprehensive look at your work history, skills, and achievements. Identify what aspects are most relevant to the job you're pursuing.

2. Research the Industry
Understand the conventions of the industry you're entering. Some fields may value creativity and innovation, while others prioritize a more traditional approach.

3. Consider Your Goals
Are you looking to highlight your upward career progression, skills, or a mix? Tailor your choice to your goals.

4. Address Employment Gaps
If you have gaps in your work history, choose a format that lets you downplay these gaps while showcasing your skills.

5. Review Examples
Look at sample resumes in your chosen format to understand how to organize your information effectively.


Your resume is your professional story; its format is the narrative structure. By understanding the nuances of different formats and considering your unique situation, you can craft a resume that resonates with potential employers, opening doors to exciting opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Q1. Is the choice of resume format important?
Yes, the choice of resume format is crucial. It determines how your qualifications and experiences are presented to potential employers. Different formats highlight different aspects of your professional background, so selecting the right format can significantly impact how your resume is perceived.

Q2. What resume format to choose with extensive work experience?
The chronological resume format is often the best choice if you have extensive work experience. This format allows you to showcase your career progression and highlight your accomplishments in a clear timeline. Listing your most recent roles first emphasizes your current skills and responsibilities.

Q3. What resume format should you choose if you don't have much experience?
Consider a functional or combined format to highlight your skills.

Q4. What are the types of resumes?
In addition to traditional formats, there are targeted, infographic, and video resumes, each with advantages and considerations.


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