7 Tips On How to Make a Video Resume
In the digital world, when you apply on a vacancy, you need to stand out from competitors. Creative candidates often come up with a video resume.
A lot of applicants often make a lot of mistakes when compiling such self-presentation. Some of them pay for a professional resume. To make it successful, you should know the main rules about its structure.
Benefits of Video Resume Format
A video presentation is better than a paper version in several aspects. First, the video is a great option for candidates with slight experience, but with tremendous creativity. Such a candidate's resume paper format will likely not receive feedback. But in the video, the applicant will be able to demonstrate all the skills and natural charisma.
Video resumes immediately increase your chances of getting a higher-paying job. If your job involves being in the frame or performing in public, a video summary is the best way to assure your employer of your professional competence. But it must be suitable for your career. It is better not to record a universal video, but to pay attention to a specific proposal. It will emphasize your interest in the company, creativity, and hard work.
The video resume expands the range of information you can provide to your employer. It is not limited to dry business phrases and printed volumes. In this format, you have the opportunity to rehearse an interview and make a creative "I" in a business presentation.
The Main Rules of the Video Resume
- Perfect time. Your video resume should not be too long a story about your life and talents. Make it a kind of trailer for an interview with you. Experts recommend editing the video for a few minutes (up to 5 minutes).
- Get creative. The video summary should fully reveal your personality. So, feel free to be creative, insert humorous trailers, and praise your accomplishments. The employer must grab your video so much that he wants to take you into a vacant position without any job interviews.
- Do not repeat the information in the printed version. Usually, a candidate adds a video resume to a text file. But they should not be duplicated. The main mistake is reading into the camera from a paper all that the recruiter will see. In your video presentation, it's better to tell your employer about your accomplishments and persuade you to hire one. It will also be superfluous to add to your hobbies, especially if they are not relevant to your professional activities.
- Interest your employer in the beginning. Studies have shown that interest in the plot determines during the first 15-30 seconds of viewing. Next, we either watch the video entirely or flip it over. Therefore, you need to get the employer interested in the first half-minute video summary. Try to include in this section information that will make the video to the end.
- Do not worry. Unnecessary experiences can fail the interview; with the video resume, the situation is even worse. If you have already decided to record the video, then you should radiate confidence. A shy candidate gives the impression of being unsure of their abilities, so it will only alienate the employer. So, if you cannot cope with the excitement, it is better to give up the resume in video format.
- Look for details. The video presentation is also crucial for your appearance and everything that fits in the background. It's best to shoot a movie in a rented studio, workplace, or a neutral environment without kitchenware, toys, and more. Your appearance should be in line with the style of the company, and the vacancy. That is, on the video, you should look like you would come for an interview.
- Show the video to your loved ones. Have your friends and family care about your actions and the words on the video. If you are embarrassed to show the video to your loved ones, then perhaps you shouldn't send it to the employer. After all, the wrong video is always worse than its absence.
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