How to Write a Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae, or Latin life course. Writing this application document may seem easy, however, practice shows that when creating it, job seekers make a lot of mistakes. Entering your data, and describing professional experience and skills is not everything. There are several rules whose observance will cause recruiters to queue up for you.
Photo, personal data, professional experience, skills, interests, summary, and personal data protection clause are elements that should have an ideal CV. If you are looking for a job and receive very few responses to your application documents, you should follow this guide in detail. Below is a description of each element of this document to clarify all doubts.
Personal details and photo
There is no point in going into detail. Include only the most important information in this field, such as name, surname, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and possibly a date of birth. The recruiter looking for a person for a given position will not be interested in information about your marital status or place of birth.
The perfect resume must also contain a photograph. It must be remembered that it must be formal. It's best to put the same photo that is in our documents. It is unacceptable to insert photos, e.g., from holidays.
The next is the summary. An element that appears in one in ten CVs. Responding to the offers of many candidates, he disregards this point or simply has no idea about it. They should be placed at the top of the document. It should have 2 or 3 sentences and describe the reasons why you are the best candidate for the job. Do not repeat the information that we have provided in the other sections. There you can enter your character traits or highlight one of the achievements that you especially want to show off. Remember, however, that what you write should refer to the position you apply for.
This is one of the most important elements of an ideal CV. We enter here the names of companies and positions we held earlier. Of course, you can't forget about the dates. In a situation when you are just starting your professional career, it is worth putting here all the activities that prove that you will manage in a given position.
The situation is different when we have a richer professional experience. Then it is worth focusing only on those positions that will be significant from the point of view of the future employer. These activities should mention more important duties and possible successes related to our work than dashes. For example, if we were responsible for the appearance and content of the company's website, it is worth writing about how much viewership increased after the changes were introduced.
Regardless of the amount of experience you have, remember to provide employment information in a concise manner. The information must be specific and relevant to the new employer. To illustrate the scale of the effects achieved by us, it is worth using numbers. Eg, a 10 percent increase in sales.
This element of a perfect CV is almost as important as professional experience. In it, we describe our skills. It is worth focusing on the so-called hard elements, i.e., ones that we can easily boast about by presenting a certificate or certificate. This is e.g., a driving license or knowledge of a foreign language.
Not all skills can always be confirmed by an appropriate document. Then you should not give them up. These include, for example, the skills to use specialized computer programs or specialized knowledge on a given topic. As in the case of experience, you should focus on those elements that may interest the potential employer.
Although everyone may be interested in something else, it is worth being careful here when responding to an employer's announcement. Too eccentric hobby arguing with the main business of the company to which we apply may be perceived as a defect in the candidate. Interests related to the company's operations may be appreciated. A good example of this is the passion for travel when applying for a position at a travel agency.
In the column of interest, a job applicant should not write too much. Three elements written from dashes are enough.
Don't forget about the personal data protection clause. Many employers in advertisements add a request to include in the CV a declaration of consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes of recruitment. In such a situation, his lack may result in the rejection of the candidate despite his extensive experience and skills. When there is no information on this subject in the advertisement, it is worth including a standard «rule» in the document for certainty.
An ideal resume must also take into account aesthetic considerations. How the document will look as a whole is of great importance and usually determines whether we will be noticed when looking for a job. The letter should be neat and in a single font.
In summary, when creating a CV, it is worth taking care of the visual side of the entire document, its brevity, and adjustment to the employer's requirements. The application letter is a showcase of the candidate, and it is largely on its basis that employers decide to invite the person to an interview or reject it. In case, if you have some problems with CV creation, you may use the best executive resume writing service.
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