Top Resume writing and career development tips - ResumeGets

What Employees Need to Know about KPI

What Employees Need to Know about KPI

Kris GT
Certified Professional Resume Writer
July 25, 2022, 2:00 pm

Category: Work Experience

Job vacancies often include "KPIs". We try to explain what KPI is, what professions it requires, and what employees need to know before agreeing to work for a company with such a system. Order your resume now What is a KPI? KPI...

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How to Get a Job after a Long Break

How to Get a Job after a Long Break

Kris GT
Certified Professional Resume Writer
July 25, 2022, 1:56 pm

Category: Job

Finding a job for those who have skipped professional life for a while is more complicated than for candidates who have a continuous experience. But there are opportunities. You need to formulate the right attitude and choose tactics that will...

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Specifics of a Successful Executive Resume

Specifics of a Successful Executive Resume

Kris GT
Certified Professional Resume Writer
July 25, 2022, 1:55 pm

Category: Resume

There is plenty of books written to train people to write excellent executive resumes, but it is still not easy to do. Professional resume writers confirm that people still leave too many details behind while flooding their resumes with empty words...

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What Specialists will be Needed in a Crisis?

What Specialists will be Needed in a Crisis?

Luci Peters
Certified Professional Resume Writer
July 25, 2022, 1:54 pm

Category: Job

After the pandemic, the experts envisage even greater automation of processes so that production does not have to stop when everyone is quarantined again. Who will be able to keep their job? But what skills do you need to have in order for employers...

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How to Write a Strong College Graduate Resume

How to Write a Strong College Graduate Resume

Adam Smith
Certified Professional Career Coach
July 25, 2022, 1:52 pm

Category: Resume

Recent college graduates do not usually have much experience. However, this fact does not prevent them from landing a good job. Their chances even increase if they write strong resumes that impress recruiters. Normally, these resumes include...

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GPA on a Resume. When To Add?

GPA on a Resume. When To Add?

Luci Peters
Certified Professional Resume Writer
July 25, 2022, 1:50 pm

Category: Resume

Have you been asking yourself do I need to add my GPA to my resume? Will it be a brilliant idea to use my present GPA? This is an inquiry that comes up persistently across numerous Google searches. Today on our website ResumeGets, we’re...

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Why Do Employers Give a Personality Test?

Why Do Employers Give a Personality Test?

Luci Peters
Certified Professional Resume Writer
July 25, 2022, 1:49 pm

Category: Job

Personality tests for jobs are one of the most common and popular interview tools. Recruiters are desperate to find a top-quality talent, and personality tests often help in a search for people who can do the job. Choosing the wrong candidate is...

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How to Write an IT Resume that Sells?

How to Write an IT Resume that Sells?

Kris GT
Certified Professional Resume Writer
July 25, 2022, 1:45 pm

Category: Resume

Even the best IT resumes sometimes need fine-tuning. Due to the increasing competition and immense supply of young professionals, even the most experienced IT professionals should pay effort to stand out to hiring managers and recruiters. Firstly...

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Who to Address Cover Letter to?

Who to Address Cover Letter to?

Adam Smith
Certified Professional Career Coach
July 25, 2022, 1:44 pm

Category: Resume

Writing a killer cover letter is just as important as crafting a strong and professional resume. Usually, your cover letter is the first thing the hiring manager sees, so it is critical to making it sound attention-grabbing and interesting. However...

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Show your Profile on Social Media, and I Will Tell you What You Are

Show your Profile on Social Media, and I Will Tell you What You Are

Luci Peters
Certified Professional Resume Writer
July 25, 2022, 1:39 pm

Category: LinkedIn

Social networks are entering our lives more and more every day, and they are used in different ways. Employers also do not bypass them, especially when choosing candidates. According to the Wall Street Journal, 43% of employers admitted that...

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