Features of Remote Interview: How to be Prepared?
Adam Smith
Certified Professional Career Coach
July 25, 2022, 12:22 pm

Features of Remote Interview: How to be Prepared?

Interviews at the office have increasingly begun to change with interviews that do not involve personal acquaintance.

Often the first contact after reviewing a resume is a telephone conversation. After that, the recruiter decides whether to invite a candidate for the next stages of the job application.

Also, video interviews are gaining in popularity today. Talking on the phone or online will not require you to spend time and money on the way to the office, and the home atmosphere will promote openness and psychological comfort.

But new interview formats require new specific rules. Here are some tips to help you make your remote interview successful and get you into the dream job.

Connection and the sound

Even though we live in a technology world, situations, where the Internet or telephone connection disappears, are a matter of course. Before the interview, make sure everything is fine with your internet, your laptop is plugged in, and your mobile phone is on.

In case of an unforeseen communication situation during the interview, be sure to let your employer know, apologize, and arrange an excellent time to continue the conversation.

In addition to the technical component, the sound background in the room is also essential. If you decide to talk to your employer at the park, it is best to choose the most secluded place where only the singing of birds is in the background.

Take care of the look

If you do not need to go to an interview for an office, that does not mean that you can face the webcam in a bathrobe or pajamas. Appearance during an online interview is no less important than having a personal meeting. You do not have to wear a business suit, but you should choose a formal style of clothing and hairstyle.

The background is also important

The second plan that your interlocutor will open during an online interview is no less important than your appearance. So make sure that your tableware does not get dirty dishes, a clothes dryer, or a poster depicting your children's idols.

It is better to warn the recruiter about what may interrupt your interview and what you cannot influence. If you decide to have an online interview at a cafe, then choose a place with a neutral background that other people don't get into.

Remember the about voice and the smile

A friendly tone of voice and a smile are important in any interview, but for phone and online interviews, they are one of the most important. During a telephone conversation, the impression of a person is 70% formed from his voice and only 30% from words.

Therefore, your tone plays a huge role during such an interview. Try to speak clearly and not too quietly, take breaks, and be interested in hearing from you, let the other person know that you are listening.

When the interview is over Skype, try to look directly at the webcam. The camera often eats your charisma, so you have to try to make a good impression.

Don't forget the basic rules

A remote interview in its structure is no different from a regular interview. So be prepared for it no less carefully:

  • think through common questions
  • avoid anxiety
  • ask questions from your employer

Make the interview online or by phone a successful first step to your desired position.

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