Five Solutions for Tricky Questions at Interview
Adam Smith
Certified Professional Career Coach
March 24, 2022, 8:45 am

Five Solutions for Tricky Questions at Interview

There is no doubt that you should be prepared for every interview and rehearse the answers to common questions in advance. However, it often happens that the recruiter's question may catch you by surprise and you do not know what to answer.

Every minute of your silence or incomprehensible answers only worsens your situation, and the phrase "I don't know" is generally taboo for an interview. We suggest you prepare for unforeseen situations and know how to replace such an insidious phrase.

"I don't know" in the interview emphasizes your incompetence, lack of interest in the vacant position and leads the recruiter to think that in fact your experience and skills do not suit them.


Keep calm

No need to panic to begin with. If you understand that fear engulfs you take a few sips of water. This pause will help you come to your senses and possibly come up with the right answer. Tame your body and radiate confidence then even the quick answers will sound convincing. You can learn about ways to overcome anxiety here.


Ask a question

It often happens that the interlocutors for various reasons may misunderstand each other. So, do not hesitate to ask the recruiter a clarifying question to better answer and get to the point. For example, if a recruiter asks you to name your strongest skills, you can specify: "Are you interested in my soft or hard skills?". Questions to the recruiter not only save time but also show your indifference.


Don't miss the important

When talking to the employer, try to be as focused as possible, and do not miss a single detail. Introductory information about the company can come in handy when answering questions like "Why do you want to work for us?". Or often in the question itself, you can find the right answer or understand what the recruiter wants to hear.


Do not be silent

Silence in answer to questions is even worse than admitting your incompetence. If you have even a small idea of ​​what your employer is asking you to do, start talking. During your answer, you can understand the recruiter's reaction and better articulate its completion.


"I don't know, but…"

Of course, there are questions that in no way provide an answer: "I do not know." These include: "Why did you resign from your previous job?", "Who do you see yourself in 5 years?", "What interested you in our vacancy?", "What is important to you when choosing a job?", " Why should we hire you?” etc.

However, in some cases, it is better to admit that you lack knowledge in some aspects, but you know how to compensate. For example, in the absence of the necessary experience, it is better to answer: "No, I do not know. However, I learn quickly, know how to work in a team, and pay attention to detail."

As a result, if you are preparing for an interview, the chances that you will not know the answer to any of the questions at the interview are very low. So, do not neglect such an important stage in employment and get a job offer from the dream company.


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