A Cover Letter that Would “Sell” the Applicant
Stunning cover letters are not as common as you may expect. Job applicants have only recently realized the role of cover letters and their advantage compared to sending a resume solo, but the content of cover letters submitted to HR managers and their quality still needs some adjustment. It is not grammar or spelling that we are talking about. By saying “quality,” we mean things that are going to be covered in the letter. Cover letters are the very first thing that appeals to recruiting clerks and hiring managers if your job application package passes ATS. Thus, you should make it intriguing and informative enough to catch their attention and have them read your professional resume. Also, it needs to explain why you got passionate about this occupation in the first place. Here are several tips on writing a killer cover letter that ‘sells’ your skills better:
1) Do quick but thorough research about the facility you want to apply to.
Your ideal cover letter has to be targeted to the facility and the role you choose. You cannot have the same career goals when you apply to several companies even if they work in the same industry. They are competitors, but they are targeting different things while having the same ultimate goal. You cannot send identical ideas to each of them because it does not speak well about you as a professional. Thus, you can find more materials on the Internet or in the press and come up with a bigger picture of the company’s operation.
2) Define Your Strengths
Professional resume writers say that you need to present a consistent and coherent story in your cover letter which unites your career goals and core skills with your previous achievements. You may use a simple formula: start with your accomplishment in your previous employment, come up with the skills necessary to do this, and finalize by providing insight on how these capabilities can be used at your prospective job. Specify only those strengths relating to the job posting, avoiding verbiage and repetition.
3) Organize Your Letter
Your cover letter needs to be structured appropriately. The header usually contains your name and contact details. It should proceed with a date and organization’s information, including address and phone numbers. Most importantly, you should begin a cover letter with the correct salutation. Try to find the name and the title of a responsible person, but if you cannot, it is okay to begin your cover letter with Dear HR Manager. The opening paragraph should explain your purpose and name your targeted position in a friendly manner. You should clearly mention why you would like to obtain this position and briefly characterize yourself as the perfect candidate for this opening. The body of the text should include information about your prior positions and unique skills as well as explain how you intend to utilize them for the benefit of the future employer. You can list the most relevant of your soft skills or explain your career gaps in this section. The closing paragraph is often known as “a call for action” to contact you and invite you to the meeting. A professional close “Best regards” or “Sincerely” should finish the letter.
4) Format Your Letter
As soon as your cover letter is written and proofread, focus on formatting. Make the font readable as well as arrange the text appropriately. The alignment and spacing should also make the letter neat and inviting to the eye. Ask your family or friends to give an opinion regarding the content and impression they get about you while reading. They may suggest editing or adding things about you that you may have missed. You may use the skeleton of this cover letter for several other positions of your choice, but you still need to modify the main part for it to reflect your ability to fit in the organizational culture and achieve goals rather than simply perform your primary duties.