Why to send a Cover Letter along with a Resume?
Adam Smith
Certified Professional Career Coach
July 28, 2022, 5:13 pm

Why to send a Cover Letter along with a Resume?

Do you need a cover letter?

A cover letter can be the key to unlocking countless opportunities. It introduces your potential employer and complements your resume, allowing you to showcase your personality, skills, and enthusiasm for the position. In this article, we will delve into the essential components of a cover letter, its purpose, and top tips to ensure your cover letter stands out and increases your chances of landing your dream job.

Understanding the Purpose of a Cover Letter

A cover letter is a personalized letter that accompanies your resume when applying for a job. Its primary purpose is to introduce yourself to the employer, explain why you are a suitable fit for the role, and express your enthusiasm for the opportunity. If you are wondering why a cover letter is important, the cover letter allows you to address specific points relevant to the position and demonstrate your unique value.

Structuring Your Cover Letter

A well-structured cover letter helps convey your message effectively. Generally, a cover letter consists of the following sections:

a. Header
Start with your contact information at the top of the page, including your name, address, phone number, and email address. Below this, add the recipient's details, such as the hiring manager's name, the company's name, and the address.

b. Salutation
Address the hiring manager by name whenever possible. If you don't know their name, use a generic greeting like "Dear Hiring Manager" or "To Whom It May Concern."

c. Introduction
Begin your cover letter with a strong opening paragraph expressing your interest in the position and how you learned about it. Mention any mutual connections or referrals, if applicable.

d. Body paragraphs
Use one or two paragraphs highlighting your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements. Tailor the content to the specific job requirements, and draw connections between your qualifications and the company's needs.

e. Closing
Conclude your cover letter by reiterating your enthusiasm for the role and expressing gratitude for considering your application. Include a call-to-action, inviting the employer to contact you for further discussion.

f. Signature
End with a professional closing (e.g., "Sincerely" or "Best regards") and your full name.

g. Personalization and Customization
A cover letter should never be a generic template for multiple job applications. Personalization is key to making a lasting impression. Take the time to research the company, its culture, and the job requirements. Highlight specific skills and experiences that align with the company's values and needs. Avoid clichés or generic statements that don't add value to your application.

h. Showcasing Your Accomplishments
Use the cover letter to expand on your most significant accomplishments and experiences, especially those not easily evident from your resume. Provide concrete examples of how your skills have positively impacted previous employers or projects. Quantify your achievements whenever possible, adding credibility and demonstrating your value.

i. Addressing Employment Gaps and Career Changes
If you have gaps in your employment history or are making a significant career change, the cover letter provides an opportunity to address these concerns. Be honest but positive in your explanations, focusing on how your diverse experiences have prepared you for the new role.

j. Proofreading and Language
A cover letter filled with spelling and grammatical errors can diminish your credibility. Ensure your cover letter is error-free by proofreading it thoroughly. Consider using online tools or asking a friend or colleague to review it as well.

k. Keep it Concise
Aim to keep your cover letter concise and to the point. Avoid excessive detail or repetition. A well-crafted cover letter is typically around three to four paragraphs and should not exceed one page.

Designing an Effective Cover Letter

A cover letter can significantly enhance your chances of landing an interview and ultimately securing the job you desire. In this article, we will delve into the key components of an effective cover letter and offer practical tips to help you stand out.

Introduction and Expressing Interest

The opening paragraph of your cover letter is your chance to make a strong first impression. If possible, begin by addressing the hiring manager or recruiter by name to add a personal touch. Express your excitement and enthusiasm for the specific position you are applying for. Clearly state how you learned about the job opportunity through a job posting, referral, or networking event. This shows that you have researched and are genuinely interested in the company and its mission.

Highlighting Qualifications and Experience

The body of your cover letter is where you delve into your qualifications and relevant experience that align with the job requirements. Rather than rehashing your entire resume, focus on key accomplishments and skills directly related to the position. Use specific examples to showcase how your past experiences have prepared you for the challenges of the role you are applying for.

It's crucial to tailor your cover letter for each application, customizing the content to match the job description. Carefully analyze the job requirements and use similar language to demonstrate that you possess the desired skills and qualifications. This shows that you've read the job description thoroughly and highlights your ability to pay attention to detail.

Demonstrating Writing and Communication Skills

A cover letter provides an excellent opportunity to showcase your writing and communication skills. Ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and error-free. Use a professional tone throughout the letter, and avoid jargon or overly complex language. A well-structured and grammatically correct cover letter demonstrates your ability to convey ideas effectively, which is essential for any position that involves written communication.

To further exhibit your communication skills, consider telling a brief and relevant story that emphasizes your professional growth or problem-solving abilities. This narrative approach can capture the reader's attention and make your cover letter more memorable.

Distinguishing Yourself from Other Candidates

Recruiters and hiring managers often review numerous applications for a single job opening. Therefore, finding ways to differentiate yourself from other candidates is crucial. Besides showcasing your qualifications, you can also express your passion for the company's mission, values, or industry. Research the company thoroughly and mention specific projects, initiatives, or innovations that have impressed you.

Another way to stand out is by demonstrating your knowledge of the company's challenges and offering ideas or solutions to address them. This proactive approach shows that you are genuinely interested in contributing to the company's success and can set you apart from applicants who simply list their achievements without a deeper understanding of the organization's needs.

If you have any unique skills, experiences, or achievements that are particularly relevant to the position, highlight them in your cover letter. Emphasize how these strengths can bring value to the company and make you a strong fit for the role.

When Not to Include a Cover Letter

"Are cover letters necessary?" Applicants often ask themselves this question when crafting a resume. Including a cover letter may not be necessary or advisable. Understanding these exceptions is crucial to avoid pitfalls and optimize your job search efforts. Below are situations when you might consider skipping the cover letter and discussing best practices for each scenario.

Online Application Systems with Limited Upload Options

In the digital age, many companies rely on applicant tracking systems (ATS) for processing job applications. Some ATS platforms offer limited or no options to upload a cover letter separately. In such cases, you may want to focus on crafting a comprehensive and compelling resume that showcases your qualifications effectively. Utilize the available fields, such as the "summary" or "objective" sections, to briefly highlight your relevant achievements and skills.

When the Job Listing Specifically Requests Against It

Occasionally, job listings explicitly state not to include a cover letter. Employers may have reasons for this, such as streamlining the application process or seeking specific information. In such cases, it is essential to follow their instructions meticulously. Ignoring these guidelines may suggest you are not attentive or unwilling to follow directions.

Repeated Applications to the Same Company

If you are applying to multiple positions within the same company over a short period, submitting a cover letter for each application might not be necessary. This is particularly true if the roles you are applying for are similar and the company is familiar with your background. However, if you choose not to include a cover letter, ensure that your resume is customized for each position to reflect the specific requirements of the role.

Applying to Entry-Level or Part-Time Positions

Employers may not prioritize cover letters for entry-level or part-time positions as much as they would for higher-level positions. In these cases, focus on crafting a concise resume highlighting your education, relevant coursework, and any internships or volunteer experiences.

Impersonal and Large-scale Job Fairs

Job fairs often attract hundreds of applicants, making it challenging for recruiters to go through an overwhelming number of cover letters. In such settings, a well-structured resume and a brief elevator pitch effectively communicating your skills and objectives can make a stronger impact. However, if you have specific companies you want to target, customizing a few targeted cover letters could set you apart from the crowd.

Who Should Add a Cover Letter to the Resume?

Some job seekers might question why is a cover letter important. It is generally recommended to do so, as it can enhance the chances of landing an interview and, ultimately, the job. Let's explore who should add a cover letter to their resume and why it matters.

1. Recent Graduates and Entry-Level Applicants
For recent graduates or individuals with limited professional experience, a cover letter can compensate for the lack of extensive work history. It provides a platform to express enthusiasm, demonstrate relevant skills acquired through education or internships, and convey a strong motivation to contribute to the company's success. The cover letter allows entry-level applicants to stand out and make a compelling case for why they are the right fit for the position.

2. Career Changers
Those transitioning from one industry or career to another can benefit immensely from a well-crafted cover letter. Career changers can use the cover letter to explain their reasons for the transition, highlight transferable skills, and emphasize their passion for the new field. A cover letter helps bridge the gap between their previous experience and the requirements of the new role, making their candidacy more appealing to employers.

3. Job Seekers with Employment Gaps
If a candidate has gaps in their employment history due to personal reasons, a cover letter allows them to address the issue proactively. Rather than leaving employers to speculate about the gaps, job seekers can use the cover letter to provide brief and positive explanations. By doing so, they can mitigate potential concerns and refocus the employer's attention on their skills and qualifications.

4. Applicants in Competitive Job Markets
In highly competitive job markets, where numerous candidates vie for limited positions, a well-crafted cover letter can be the differentiating factor. It offers an opportunity to showcase personality, passion, and a genuine interest in the company and its goals. When hiring managers are inundated with similar resumes, a compelling cover letter can capture their attention and leave a lasting impression.

5. Industries That Value Communication Skills
Certain industries highly recommend effective communication skills like marketing, sales, public relations, and customer service. Including a cover letter in such applications demonstrates the candidate's ability to articulate ideas and provides a preview of how they would communicate with clients, customers, or team members.

Common Cover Letter Mistakes to Avoid

A cover letter can be an excellent addition to a resume, but only if it is well-written and avoids common mistakes. Here are some pitfalls to watch out for when crafting a cover letter:

  • Repetition of Information from Your Resume. The cover letter should complement the resume, not duplicate it. Avoid rehashing the same information that's already presented in the resume. Instead, focus on expanding upon specific achievements, explaining career choices, or addressing potential concerns.
  • Being Too General or Not Personalizing the Letter. A generic cover letter not addressing the specific company or role may appear disingenuous. Personalize the letter by addressing the hiring manager by name, if possible, and mentioning aspects of the company that resonate with you. Tailor the content to demonstrate your genuine interest in the organization.
  • Making Spelling or Grammatical Mistakes. Errors in spelling and grammar can be detrimental to your job prospects. Proofread your cover letter multiple times and consider using spelling and grammar-checking tools to catch any mistakes. A well-written cover letter reflects your attention to detail and professionalism.
  • Focusing Too Much on Your Own Needs. While it's essential to highlight your strengths and what you can bring to the company, avoid sounding self-centered. The cover letter should focus on how your skills and experience align with the company's needs and how you can contribute to its success.
  • Including Irrelevant or Unnecessary Information. Keep the cover letter concise and relevant. Avoid including information that does not directly relate to the position or the company. Stay focused on what makes you a qualified and suitable candidate for the specific job you are applying for.


A cover letter can be a powerful tool in your job application process if you are questioning whether should you submit a cover letter. It should be personalized, error-free, and highlight your relevant experience and skills. Always tailor your cover letter to each job application to show your genuine interest in the position and company.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Q1. What should be the volume of the cover letter?
Ideally, a cover letter should be one page long. It should be concise and focus on the most relevant information about the job you're applying for.

Q2. What are the main tips for creating a cover letter?
Some key tips for creating a cover letter include:

  • Address it to the appropriate person, if possible.
  • Use a professional and engaging tone.
  • Highlight your relevant skills and accomplishments.
  • Avoid repeating your resume.
  • Showcase your enthusiasm for the position and the company.
  • Proofread carefully for errors before submission.

Q3. When do you not need a cover letter?
You may not need a cover letter when the job application explicitly states that it is not required or when applying through an online application system that doesn't allow cover letter attachments. However, including a cover letter is generally recommended to demonstrate your interest and qualifications for the job.


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