Why Do Employers Give a Personality Test?
Personality tests for jobs are one of the most common and popular interview tools. Recruiters are desperate to find a top-quality talent, and personality tests often help in a search for people who can do the job. Choosing the wrong candidate is expensive, and personality tests help in minimizing the risks of hiring the wrong person.
What is a Personality Test for Jobs?
A personality test is an assessment that is used by employers to analyze a candidate’s character traits and determine whether they are suited for a specific position. Sometimes, recruiters may conduct some pre-employment personality tests online, but the general practice is to conduct them during the interview. There are several ways you can respond to them. In theory, you may respectfully decline the test. You can ask many questions about how it is composed and what the assessment criteria are. However, if you want to get the job, it is better to take this personality test and give honest answers.
Why Do Employers Like Personality Tests for Jobs?
Even the most professional resume tells very little about who you are as a person. However, sometimes, it is better to hire a recent graduate who is communicative and capable of getting well with people than a professional guru who finds it hard to work in teams. You should think of the interview as a personality test rather than a test of your professionalism. Your resume has already made you a valuable candidate and described your career path in detail. It is your personality that interests the employer now. He uses personality tests for jobs to establish whether you will fit in and work productively.
How Do Personality Tests Affect Your Situation?
The way you communicate during the interview tells a lot about you. Recruiters or hiring managers are trained as psychologists to distinguish good candidates that would fit the position. However, sometimes they may be hesitant about your candidature. Thus, it is better to take this test and add some more points to your professional resume. Your positive attitude and honesty while answering will help you land the right job in the end. Your decision to decline passing it can make your recruiter think that you have something to hide, and this is bad for any workplace. In any case, you will have to work with different people.
What Do You Need to Know About Personality Tests for Jobs?
Personality tests are merely tools that help your interviewers to get a better sense of who you are. If you are asked to take such an assessment, there is nothing to worry about. According to statistics, around 13% of employers prefer giving personality tests to the candidates during the interview, and approximately 68% test their employees during the hiring process. Personality tests vary in terms of quality and reliability. Many candidates fail their tests because they are trying to give the “right” answers instead of being honest with their prospective employers. It affects their chances of getting the job significantly.
What Are the Reasons Behind Giving Personality Tests for Jobs?
The answer is simple. Recruiters try to see if you are a good fit for the organizational culture. It is crucial whether you share the same values the company has. They also try to see if you can do the job independently or together with the team. The ability to work in teams and be productive is critical for many employers who rely on creativity and collaboration. Moreover, recruiters may also determine your communication style if you are interviewed for a management position.
What Are the Top 5 Personality Tests for Jobs?
There are several personality tests online that are often used by recruiters. You can find information about them on the Internet. The Caliper Profile is designed to measure how an individual’s personality traits can be used in his or her intended role. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator helps in determining the type of an employee’s personality. The SHL Occupational Personality Questionnaire provides insight into a candidate’s reaction to certain behaviors' influence. The Hogan Personality Inventory is used to predict job performance. The DiSC Behavior Inventory measures a candidate’s primary traits based on personality types.