Resume Example for Nursing Student

How to Make a resume for a Nursing Student

Nursing student is a profession, which today is quite widespread in the world, but it is highly specialized. This is easy to explain because nursing students work at departments of higher education institutions, in enterprises, in research laboratories, in hospitals, in sanitary and eco-services, and elsewhere. Accordingly, their specialization and vocational training vary considerably depending on the direction of their activity

When writing a resume for the post of nursing student in 2023, it is important to describe your knowledge according to your training, which is acquired in a higher education institution in which nursing student studies. Describe your own key professional knowledge; you can add a description of specialized technical skills. Other skills include the following points:

  • organization and production planning;
  • the effective functioning of production equipment;
  • knowledge of technological lines;
  • management of productive resources;
  • knowledge of production and supply cycle;
  • statistical methods.
  • knowledge of health and safety rules;
  • Knowledge of production monitoring systems;

In the resume, you can add non-important skills that are not related to the specialty, but they are very important in the professional plan, so you can highlight this information in your resume since the nursing student acquires during the course of the exercise, his first training skills, and therefore the nursing student must have the ability to take control of various stressful situations, perform all tasks from the supervisor and organize the work process qualitatively.

Job description

Nursing student. Distinguish nursing students with higher medical and secondary medical education. The latter is trained by the paramedic-laboratory staff of the medical schools. The nursing student can work as a nurse, has a secondary medical education, and has completed specialization courses. Depending on the profile of the laboratory in which the nursing student works, they are divided into the clinical and diagnostic laboratory, sanitary-hygienic, bacteriological, histological, and other places for work. The duties of the nursing student include the collection of material for research - taking blood, sensing the stomach, hair removal, and other procedures; preparation of preparations for microscopy; preparation of reagents, paints, nutrient media, and their proper storage; conducting medical documentation - registration of the material accepted and the results of analysis, medical and economic reporting.

A nursing student has the right to independently carry out a number of analyses - macroscopic and chemical research of clinical material, counting of the number of formed blood elements, cropping on nutrient media, setting up a series of serological reactions, and other important points. The Nursing student is required to sign the tests done. The Nursing student should be well-acquainted with the safety equipment since work in the laboratory can have its own harm: the danger of infection, poisoning, burns, injuries, the fatigue of the eyes. To avoid infection, nursing students should always work in a dressing gown behind; do not smoke or eat at the laboratory table; After work, the surface of the table should be wiped with a solution of phenol or chloramine. Poisoning can be observed in studies related to releasing harmful vapors and gases. Prevention reduces to good ventilation of laboratory rooms and the performance of appropriate work in the hood. Thermal burns can occur when working near a flame with flammable substances and chemicals - when working with caustic alkalis and concentrated acids.

Working with these substances requires knowledge of their properties and good knowledge of laboratory techniques. In order to avoid injuries due to incorrect use of equipment (centrifuge, autoclave, and other parts), it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of its operation and to periodically carry out a technical review. Eyestrain, caused by eye strain when working with measuring pipettes, can prevent the correct lighting device, with slight interruptions during the first signs of fatigue. Nursing student - a specialist institution, a scientific institute that performs product quality analysis, conducts experiments, analyzes raw materials, and synthesizes chemicals. He can work independently and be an assistant to a scientist or teacher.


The modern labor market has a steady demand for competent nursing students. They are in demand in public and private institutions.

Although nursing students of educational institutions perform auxiliary functions, without them, it is extremely difficult to do. They monitor the equipment and prepare premises for laboratory work.

Responsibilities and professional skills that a nursing student must possess

The duties include the execution of tasks and instructions of the direct supervisor. He monitors the state of the technology working with reagents and chemicals and fixes the results of observations in the journal.

Let's highlight the personal qualities that a nursing student must possess:

  • attentiveness;
  • the ability to concentrate on work;
  • good motility and coordination of movements;
  • excellent memory;
  • precision.

The main task of the nursing student in chemical analysis - researching the chemical composition of liquids, gases, and other substances. The obtained data are used in various spheres, starting from the food industry.

The analysis is needed to determine the degree of pollution of water, the environment, and the composition of petroleum products, salts, and liquids. Research results help to control the quality of products and compliance with technological standards.

The nursing student has high-tech equipment, which greatly facilitates research and allows you to achieve more accurate results.

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Resume Example for Nursing Student

Adam Smith
Certified Professional Career Coach

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