Resume Example for Juvenile Counselor

How to Write a Resume for Juvenile Counselor

Juvenile Counselor is a difficult and responsible job. Especially in 2023, when delinquency keeps growing. Dealing with kids, starting from their puberty, might get really tough. At the same time, this work really pays back not only a counselor but the whole community. This sort of occupation is an investment into a healthy and wealthy society, as juveniles are the ones to pick up this generational marathon. Hence, juvenile counseling is a job of crucial importance.

A juvenile counselor has to deal daily with teens' social constraints and teach them how to be proud citizen of the country and productive members of a community. It might not always be easy, as teenagers are going through a transition from childhood to adulthood. They are trying to disobey a system and make up their own rules. Juveniles are vulnerable and tend to get in trouble a lot, including delinquency. This is the part where the job gets really tough since a counselor has to figure out the reasons, which made a young person act illegally, talk that thoroughly, connect with the corresponding institution, maybe even correctional, and develop a plan of resocialization for the person.

To make your resume persuasive, you need to demonstrate your capability of coping with all the above-mentioned. It means you need to know juvenile psychology, have good communication skills, be able to establish rapport and be proficient in local legislation. Further below, you will find some ideas on the format and style of your resume for this position.

Job description

Juvenile counselors conduct preventive measures to explain the laws and promote a healthy, law-abiding lifestyle. Counselor attracts families, schools, and public organizations to promote these values among teens. However, it does not always work, and you will have to cope with the deviant behavior of juveniles as a juvenile counselor. Working with difficult teenagers, a counselor establishes contacts with their parents, legal representatives, and other interested citizens. We also have to cooperate with district police officers, social workers, drug treatment specialists, and investigators and participate in the courts. Counselor is obliged to plan their work, taking into account the features of their site. He must identify and observe dysfunctional families, monitor the behavior of adolescents who have already committed offenses, and help families organize summer holidays for supervised persons or their leisure time. So, partially you are a psychologist, but partially your job embraces event management.


These are skills you cannot ignore if you want to get a job:

  • Strong communication skills
  • Knowledge of a local legislation
  • Knowledge of juvenile psychology

Resume Example for Juvenile Counselor

Adam Smith
Certified Professional Career Coach

Resume Example for Juvenile Counselor

Adam Smith
Certified Professional Career Coach

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